The Details Subtab is where the details of the passengers travelling, such as name and age, are listed. It is also where payments and refunds are recorded for an Itinerary.

Pax Override

Pax override is used to indicate the total number of passengers travelling on an Itinerary. For example 4 people are travelling, but you only want to record the contact details of one passenger. It is useful in situations where you do not know the Names of every Passenger, but you know how many Passengers there are, or when you do not wish to detail the Name of every Passenger. If this field is populated, it can also be pulled through to a customised report, if desired.

Room Types

Room types is used for Group bookings and Packages.

To add a Room, click the yellow plus button , which will open a drop-down menu with your Room Type options. These options are pulled from Option Configs in your Setup.
Once the line has been added, input the required number of rooms of that type, into the Rms Bkd field. In the example below, my Itinerary is for two people, as such they will need one Double room. Make sure to Save when finished.


A passenger in Tourwriter is an individual travelling on an Itinerary. You may refer to these as clients, customers or contacts.

Passengers can be added to the Clients’ Passengers workspace in two ways:

  1. Adding a Passenger to an Itinerary only
  2. Creating a permanent Contact Card, and attaching this to an Itinerary.

Adding a Passenger to an Itinerary Only
Members of the group or family can be added to the Passengers workspace by using Yellow Plus and typing over the text New Member.  From the drop down box choose the age-group to which the person belongs. If required, the Age of the members can be typed in alongside the Age-group.

Creating a Permanent Contact Card, and Attaching this to an Itinerary

  1. Open the Contacts Menu and select the folder in which you want to store the contact
  2. Right click on the folder, select New > New Contact. A New Contact card will open
  3. Complete the contact details for each Tab, then select Save and Close
  4. Drag and drop the New Contact card from the Contacts Menu into the Passengers work space of the Clients Tab in the Itinerary
  5. Save the Itinerary

Create the Contact Card from the Clients Tab of the Itinerary

  1. Click the Yellow Plus on the Passengers work space and type over the text New Member
  2. Click the More button or double click the Passenger record
  3. A pop up will appear The data does not exist, would you like to create it?. Click Yes
  4. A New Contact card will open
  5. Complete the contact details for each Tab
  6. Select Save and Close and Save the Itinerary

The benefit of creating a contact card for a Passenger is that their email address is stored in Tourwriter, and reports (e.g. Quotation) can be emailed directly to them from Tourwriter.

Please note that the contact card will not appear in the Contacts Menu until you refresh the Contacts Menu (parent folder). Do this by right clicking the Contacts folder and selecting Refresh.

Client Payments and Refunds

The Client’s payments and refunds workspace allows users to record payments received from passengers or agents for this Itinerary. These payment details pull through onto the Client Pricing report, Client Pricing Detailed report and can be coded to appear on custom itinerary reports.

  1. To add a payment or refund, click the Yellow Plus
  2. Apply the payment to a passenger from the Person Name drop down list. A passenger must be added to the Passengers workspace before being able to allocate a payment
  3. Select the payment type
  4. Complete the Details field. This information will pull through onto the Client Pricing Detailed report. For example, Deposit payment
  5. The Sale field is only completed if your are integrating Tourwriter with your Accounting software
  6. Select the Date of payment or refund
  7. Type in the Amount of the payment. If it is a refund, add a – in front of the amount
  8. Save your changes

IMPORTANT – Payments and refunds can only be recorded in the Itinerary Output Currency. You cannot change the Itinerary Output Currency if payments or refunds have been recorded against an Itinerary.

Currency Warning


The Client payments and refunds Fields

The following list explains the fields in the Client payments and refunds grid:

Click image to enlarge

Person name: The field copies the Display Name of the passenger from the Passengers grid. The drop-down option lets you restrict the entries to just the paying passengers.

Payment Type: Lets you select a Payment Type from the drop-down. The Payment Type options are populated from the Tools > Setup > General lists > Payment Types area.

Fee Type: The field lists the extra fees type charged by the issuing bank account. The options listed in the Fee Type drop-down are populated from the Tools > Setup > General lists > Fee Types area.

Details: A free-form text field to enter a note for the payment.

Sale: The field lists the Sale Accounting details as drop-down options. You can select the sales accounting details added to the itinerary under the Additional > Accounting > Sales area.  

  • Note: The understand how to access the Sales Accounting area, you can refer to the webinar on Accounting Sales. The Accounting functionality is available as part of the Enterprise plan. To upgrade to the Enterprise plan, please contact your Customer Success Executive.

Payment amount: The amount that the passenger is expected to pay in the currency chosen in the Currency Code field.

Currency Code: By default, this is the Itinerary currency. It can be changed to any one of the default currencies listed in the drop-down. The drop-down option lists the currencies that are enabled in the Tools > Setup > Currencies area 

Exchange rate: The exchange rate used to convert the itinerary currency amount to the currency amount paid by the passenger. For instance, if the itinerary currency is USD and the payment received is in EUR, the current NZD to EUR exchange rate is applied. This is an editable field and hence can be overwritten.

Amount: This is the original Itinerary Amount field and your existing reports relate to this field. It is the amount converted after applying the exchange rate.

Inclusive: Indicates whether the Fee is inclusive of the Payment amount. The tickbox is defunct by default. Select it to include the Fees in the Payment amount.

Fee: A free-form text field to enter any fee charged by the Bank or the Travel Agency after the transaction.

Fee Percent: Indicates a percentage value of the Fee.