The following Tags are enabled for use with the Tourwriter Bookings Emailer Template:

[!HostName]Supplier Host
[!SupplierName]Supplier Name
[!BookingName]Booking Name
[!ItineraryName]Itinerary Name
[!DisplayName]Display Name
[!AgentName]Agent Name
[!ItineraryID]Itinerary ID
[!CustomID]Custom ID
[!ItineraryType]Itinerary Type
[!PaxCount]Number of Pax on the Itinerary Clients tab. If a Pax override is in place, the tag will fetch the overridden figure.
[!BookingDetails]Simplified tag to bring through all booking details
[!ClientDetails]Displays client details as loading on the Clients tab in the following format.

Client 1
Age Group:Adult

[!BookingNotesStart]Used in conjunction with the [!BookingNotes] tag
[!BookingNotes]Booking Notes
[!BookingNotesEnd]Used in conjunction with the [!BookingNotes] tag
[!ClientNotes][!UserName]User Name (i.e. person logged into Tourwriter, sending booking email)
[!UserEmail]User Email
[!UserTitle]User Title
[!ItineraryStartDate]Itinerary Start Date
To customise the date format, check out this post
[!ItemCombinedDate]Combines the start and end dates and times and displays them on one one. This tag overrides the start and end date tags. See Activities Email Booking Request Template post for more information
[!AssignedToUserName]Assigned to User Name (if name of “Assigned to” is different from person logged into Tourwriter sending booking email)
[!AssignedToUserEmail]Assigned to User Email
[!BookingsStart]Use this and the [!BookingsEnd] tag either side of your BookingDetailStart and End tags to ensure no repetition of email signature and other details when using “Group bookings by supplier email” function
[!BookingDetailStart]Used in conjunction with [!BookingDetailEnd] tag, either side of Booking Details. See default Booking Email Template for example
[!ItemCount]Booking 1, 2 etc where more than one booking with same supplier is made
[!ItemName]Item Name – same as the Display Name
[!ItemDesc]Item Description
[!ItemStartText]Service configs
[!ItemStartDate]Start Date of the booking
To customise the date format, check out this post
[!ItemEndDateStart]Ensures the End Text, End Date and Length of booking displays correct on the template. Used in conjunction with [ItemEndDateEnd] tag e.g.

[!ItemEndDateStart] [!ItemEndText]: [!ItemEndDate]
[!ItemLengthText]: [!ItemLength]

[!ItemEndText][!ItemEndDate]End Date of the booking
To customise the date format, check out this post
[!ItemLengthText]E.g. Nights
[!ItemLength]Number of NTS
[!ItemEndDateEnd]Ensures the End Text, End Date and Length of booking displays correct on the template. Used in conjunction with [ItemEndDateStart] tag e.g.

[!ItemEndDateStart] [!ItemEndText]: [!ItemEndDate]
[!ItemLengthText]: [!ItemLength]

[!ItemQuantity]QTY from Bookings List
Use when displaying Supplier Booking Reference (Ref column from Bookings List)
[!ItemComments]Use when displaying Bookings Comments (Ref column from Bookings Comments)








These are the Pricing tags, to be used together to show price details for each booking. The [!ItemGrossUnit] tag displays the Gross itinerary price along with the Commission set up for the itinerary in the Margin Adjustment area. The [!ItemNetUnit] tag displays the Net itinerary price.
[!BookingDetailEnd]Used in conjunction with [!BookingDetailStart] tag, either side of Booking Details. See default Booking Email Template for example.
[!BookingsEnd]Use this and the [!BookingsStart] tag either side of your BookingDetailStart and End tags to ensure no repetition of email signature and other details when using “Group bookings by supplier email” function.
These tags are required if you’d like to customise the Subject line of your template.
Tell your suppliers where your guests are travelling from.
 This tag creates a space
[!ClientBirthDate]Add in your Client’s Birth Date. We recommend inserting this tag after the existing [!ClientNotes] tag. Note: The passenger needs to have been added to the itinerary for this tag to display
To customise the date format, check out this post
[!ClientPassportNumber]Add in your Client’s Passport Number. We recommend inserting this tag after the existing [!ClientNotes] tag. Note: The passenger needs to have been added to the itinerary for this tag to display
These tags can help describe a booking in more detail
NB: In order to display these fields on booking emails, you need to add the passenger to your itinerary, then complete the Room Type, Room Number and Passenger Type fields. Provide passenger rooming information, for Groups.
[!PaxPaxType]NB: In order to display these fields on booking emails, you need to add the passenger to your itinerary, then complete the Room Type, Room Number and Passenger Type fields. Ideal for those needing to specify Drivers, Escorts and Guides
[!ItemStartTimeNoDateText] [!ItemStartTimeNoDate]This tag adds the text “Start Time”.
This tag pulls the Start Time value but does not pull the Start Date value.
[!ItemStartDateNoTimeText] [!ItemStartDateNoTime]This tag adds the text “Start Date”.
This tag pulls the Start Date value but does not pull the Start Time value.
[!ItemEndTimeNoDateText] [!ItemEndTimeNoDate]This tag adds the text “End Time”.
This tag pulls the End Time value but does not pull the End Date value.
[!ItemEndDateNoTimeText] [!ItemEndDateNoTime]This tag adds the text “End Date”.
This tag pulls the End Date value but does not pull the End Time value.