
An error occurred during local report processing. Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Snap 2016-05-25 at 10.24.15

An error occurred during local report processing. Parameter is not valid.

Export Error2


The cause is due to the way some of the JPEG images are saved within your TourwriterData\Images folder.

There are two methods for saving image files in jpeg format. They are Baseline JPEG and Progressive JPEG. Both formats will have the same size and data. The extension also remains the same. The only difference is how it displays.

Tourwriter requires images to be in Baseline JPEG format in order to export successfully to Microsoft Word. Some of the image files that you have may be in Progressive JPEG format, which is causing the export issue with Word.

Learn more about the difference between these two formats here.

Photoshop Users: If you have Photoshop, you have the option to save your image in the correct Baseline JPEG format. Please click here for further information.

To learn how to convert images from Progressive to Baseline, click here.

Once you have converted your images from Progressive to Baseline, generate your report file in Tourwriter again and try to export to Word. This should work now!