Itineraries - Additional Tab Archives - Tourwriter Knowledge Base Tourwriter Knowledge Base Tue, 14 Jan 2020 19:27:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Itineraries - Additional Tab Archives - Tourwriter Knowledge Base 32 32 Batching Accounting Purchases data Fri, 04 Oct 2019 04:06:12 +0000 Your Accounting Purchases report now includes a Free-Form Text field to “Batch” or group your data. The data added to the Batch field can filter invoice information when running the Accounting Purchases report. The field may typically have a date value detailing when the booking is reconciled. The Batch field appears in three sections in […]

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Your Accounting Purchases report now includes a Free-Form Text field to “Batch” or group your data. The data added to the Batch field can filter invoice information when running the Accounting Purchases report. The field may typically have a date value detailing when the booking is reconciled.

The Batch field appears in three sections in Tourwriter:

  • Bookings List tab
  • Itinerary Accounting Purchases
  • Bulk Accounting Purchases

Batching Accounting data for an Itinerary

You can batch your accounting purchases data for an itinerary and export it. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Enable the Batching field by selecting the Field Chooser in the top left corner of the Bookings List tab.
  2. Add free text to the Batching field, similar to the Comments field.

Information added to the Batch field typically indicates the Booking to be reconciled. As an example, you could add your initials followed by the reconciliation date to indicate that you have reconciled the booking.

Click to enlarge image
  1. Save the itinerary.
  2. Head to the Additional > Accounting tab and select the Purchases subtab.
  3. Select Load to populate the accounting purchases data.
  4. Enable the Batch filed by selecting the Field Chooser, similar to enabling it on the Booking List tab.
  5. Scroll to the right to view the Batching field. The information added to the Bookings List tab will appear on the Accounting Purchases report.
Click to enlarge
  1. Use the tick-box to select the invoice you want to export. Export accounting purchases information.

Batching Accounting data for all Itineraries

Just as you exported Accounting Purchases information for an itinerary, you can export it for all itineraries. Here’s how you can do it:-

  1. Navigate to Tools > Additional > Accounting Export.
  2. Filter the fields based on the following options:
    • Display accounting data based on Booking dates or Itinerary dates.
    • Choose a date range you wish to export accounting data for.
    • Select one or more fields within each of the status option.

  1. Follow steps 5 through 8 in the Batching Accounting data for an Itinerary section to view Batching information added across multiple itineraries.

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Exporting Financial Information to Quickbooks Sun, 13 Jan 2019 23:35:25 +0000 This video is a quick tour on transferring your financial information from Tourwriter to Quickbooks. Quickbooks is a software that lets you store all your ever-growing financial documents in a single spot. With Tourwriter, you can export your Purchases, Sales and Supplier Payments over to Quickbooks. Prerequisites A Quickbooks login account. A Bridge software: – […]

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This video is a quick tour on transferring your financial information from Tourwriter to Quickbooks.

Quickbooks is a software that lets you store all your ever-growing financial documents in a single spot. With Tourwriter, you can export your Purchases, Sales and Supplier Payments over to Quickbooks.


  • A Quickbooks login account.
  • A Bridge software: – Transaction Pro Import Wizard (for Quickbooks online). To access a free trial click here.

Here’s a video on how to export your financial information from Tourwriter onto Quickbooks.

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Accounting Sales Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:20:46 +0000 Join our accounting expert Philip as he takes you through the Accounting Sales features of Tourwriter. Learn how to edit and export sales for itineraries and pax, the benefits of using the sales export and how to manage it all in Xero accounting software.

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Join our accounting expert, Philip, who takes you through the Accounting Sales features of Tourwriter. Learn how to edit and export sales for itineraries and the benefits of using the sales export and how to manage it all in Xero accounting software.

This webinar is perfect for those responsible for managing accounts receivable in their business and those interested in finding out how to manage their sales in Xero accounting software.

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Adding Tax to a Booking Tue, 03 Nov 2015 04:48:45 +0000 All booking prices in Tourwriter should include all taxes (e.g. VAT, GST). If rates are provided to you by your suppliers excluding tax at the time of booking, use the Add Tax button in the Bookings Price Editor to add tax automatically based on predefined tax amounts in the Setup.

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All booking prices in Tourwriter should include all taxes (e.g. VAT, GST). If rates are provided to you by your suppliers excluding tax at the time of booking, use the Add Tax button in the Bookings Price Editor to add tax automatically based on predefined tax amounts in the Setup.

Prerequisites: This feature is available but not switched on for all users. To enable the Add Tax feature in your Tourwriter database, please contact your Customer Success Executive or the support team (

In order to use this feature, ensure that the tax types in Accounting Setup are completed. Define your Accounting Tax Types List on the Setup Subtab then apply to the Default Tax Types table on the Settings Subtab.

Within a Supplier, Net Tax Type and Gross Tax Type can be overridden per Supplier or per Service.

To add tax to a booking, in the Itinerary Bookings List:

  1. Double click the booking item to open the Bookings Editor.
  2. Select Edit > Price.
  3. The Bookings Price Editor appears.
  4. Choose your editing option from Net and Mup, Net and Gross or Gross and Comm.
  5. Enter the tax exclusive amount(s) provided by your supplier into the applicable fields.
  6. Click the Add Tax button in the top right corner of the Price Editor.Price Editor Add Tax
  7. Tourwriter will add the percentage (%) of tax applicable based on your predefined tax settings e.g. 15%.Price Editor Add Tax after
  8. If tax has already been added to this booking, a Tourwriter Message will alert you accordingly:Price Editor Tax Added warning
  9. Close the Price Editor.
  10. The price fields in the Bookings Editor and Bookings List will now reflect the tax inclusive amount for this booking.
  11. Save your changes (CTRL S).

The Is Tax Added field on the Bookings List will indicate whether tax has been manually added to this booking using the Add Tax button. All other values are assumed to include Tax.

Bkgs List Is Tax Added

Tax exclusive amounts (per booking) can be viewed and exported by going to Additional Tab > Accounting Subtab within the Itinerary. See Itinerary Accounting Export for more.

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Itinerary Reports Subtab Thu, 17 Sep 2015 23:35:31 +0000 Custom Reports
Standard Reports
1.Client Pricing
2.Client Pricing Detailed
3.Contact List
4.Pricing Detailed
5.Pricing Summary
6.Quotation Template
7.Voucher Report

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This is where all Custom and Standard Itinerary Reports are located.

Additional Tab


Itinerary Reports Navigation

Options button Options Button
Some reports have the option of filtering the information to be displayed by deselecting (unticking) the options you do not require in your report.
The filter options offered vary in each report.

Refresh button Refresh Button
Refreshes the data and the report.

Email button Email icon
Opens the Tourwriter report email window and allows the User to e-mail a report as an attachment.

Stop Rendering Icon – Stop Rendering Icon allows you to stop a report uploading any further

Refresh Icon – The Refresh Icon allows you to update your existing view of the report to reflect any changes

Printer Icon – The Print Icon allows you to select your printer, the pages or page range and the number of copies

Print Layout Icon – The Print Layout Icon allows you to view the report as it will appear when printed

Page Setup Icon – The Page Setup Icon allows you to select/set the following; the paper size you wish to print on, the orientation and the margins

Export Icon – The Export Icon offers the option to export the report to Word, Excel or as a PDF

Custom Reports

Once a Custom Report has been scoped and created by both your Tourwriter Implementer and the Tourwriter Reports Development Team, you will be given the report file in .rdlc format. To generate a Custom Report double click on the report name.

To use the report you will:

  1. Save the report into your TourwriterData\Reports folder
  2. Select the Reports tab within any itinerary in Tourwriter
  3. Right click the Custom Folder
  4. Select Add report
  5. Browse to the .rdlc file in your TourwriterData\Reports folder
  6. Click Open
  7. Save your changes
  8. Double click the file to generate the report

Any Custom Reports can be renamed by right clicking the report name, once you have added this to your Custom Folder.

Standard Reports

These reports produce various pricing summaries, contact lists, vouchers and a Quotation Template for each Itinerary. To generate any of the below reports double click on the report name.

Standard Report – Client Pricing

Click to enlarge
Click image to enlarge

This report is grouped by Service Type and includes, the booking details for an Itinerary, any payments received (including a description of the payment) and the total balance remaining. It also includes notes such as, booking terms and conditions, quote validity, required payment dates etc.

This report is a simplified document and does not illustrate any individual Service pricing.

Standard Report – Client Pricing Detailed

Click to enlarge
Click image to enlarge

The Client Pricing Detailed Report includes, all the details included in the Client Pricing Report together with line by line pricing for each Service in an Itinerary, in the appropriate Service Type category. This report also documents any payment/s already received (including a description of the payment) and the total balance remaining.

The benefit of this report is that it is more detailed for clients wanting to know an exact pricing breakdown of an itinerary without revealing your markup and/or commission margins.

Standard Report – Contact List

Click to enlarge
Click image to enlarge

The Contact List Report shows the contact details for each Supplier utilised in an Itinerary is designed to be distributed to selected close members of the client (e.g. family members) so that they will know where travellers are on any given date and so that they can be contact them during the trip, if need be.

Standard Report – Pricing Detailed

Click to enlarge
Click image to enlarge

This report is grouped by Service Type and includes;

  • Date
  • City
  • Description (Service)
  • Bk No (Tourwriter Booking Number)
  • Reference (Supplier)
  • Status
  • Quantity
  • Rate
  • Exchange rate
  • Full breakdown of costs (i.e. net and gross with totals)

The Pricing Detailed Report is designed predominantly for internal use, rather than for the client. One of the main features of this report is that it lists the unit price, net price and gross price, allowing you to easily identify your final markup and commission margins.

Standard Report – Pricing Summary

Click to enlarge
Click image to enlarge

This report summarizes sales by Service Type, providing Service Type totals for:

  • Booking Count (number)
  • Net price
  • Mark-up
  • Gross price
  • Commission
  • Margin

The Pricing Summary Report is designed to give an overview of the total Itinerary costs, and is also designed for internal use. This report is beneficial in displaying the total costings and both the markup and commission percentages for each Service Type.

Standard Report – Quotation Template

The Quotation Template is a standard template, which features all the general aspects of a quote, including who it is prepared for, the travel dates, total costings and a general description of the services included.

The quotation template is the documentation, which will be sent to the clients.

Standard Report – Voucher

This report produces a voucher for each booking. Each voucher detail what the client/s are entitled to from each Supplier and are then exchanged for the Service/s described on the voucher.

Vouchers can be customised to include your company’s logo in the top right hand corner of the voucher. This is done at Tools > Setup > Agent labels , under the Voucher Texts Subtab > Header.

There is also the option of hard coding a footer where the NOTES: section is. Similarly, this is done at Tools > Setup > Agent labels , under the Voucher Texts Subtab > Footer.
Example: Please return voucher for payment to PO Box 2323 Wellington

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Accounting Subtab Wed, 16 Sep 2015 21:37:50 +0000 Take a closer look at how your Tourwriter accounting information can be exported into a format that will work for your accounting software.

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Itinerary Accounting Export

Once Accounting Setup has been completed, and you have Itineraries data to export, you can start exporting your Purchases and/or Sales from Tourwriter into your accounting software.

Also see Bulk Accounting Export.

Open any Itinerary and select the Additional Tab > Accounting Subtab

Intergrating Accounting - Accounting, Purchases Subtab

The Accounting Subtab area is split into two further Subtabs: Purchases and Sales

Purchases Subtab
Allows you to view then export purchases booking information for the Itinerary. Click Load to generate a list of purchases for the Itinerary.

Sales Subtab
Sales invoices information for the Itinerary

Edit Sales

Intergrating Accounting - Edit Sales

This option only applies to the Sales Subtab. The Edit Sales button opens the Tourwriter Sales allocation popup window. Here you can add and edit Itinerary Sales records allowing you to allocate revenue to each revenue account.

NOTE – You must edit your Sales before pressing the Load button.

Tourwriter Sale Allocation Window

Intergrating Accounting - Sale Allocation Window

You can create a Sale for the deposit amount of $xx.xx; simply click on Yellow Plus and enter the following sales information:

NOTE – The amounts in the Clients Tab > Client payments and refunds workspace appear on the Client Pricing Report and Client Pricing Detailed Report. The amounts added to Tourwriter Sale allocation popup window (shown above) are exported into your Accounting software. The reason we keep these areas separate is due to the fact that only some Tourwriter users will utilise the export sales feature (i.e. if they have Xero, for example).


Linking Client Payments to Sales Export

To link the payments on the Clients Tab to the Sales you have edited take the following steps:-

  1. Go to the Clients Tab > Details Subtab
  2. In the Client payments and refunds workspace click on the down arrow (triangle), in each of the entries in the Sale field, to select the applicable payment from the entries you have made in the Tourwriter Sales allocation workspace (see image below).
Click to enlarge

This is the sales invoice date, ie. the date that you want to recognise the sale in your accounting system (as opposed to the date of payment or date of travel).

Description of sales information.

The invoice amount.

Other Sales Toolbar Functions

Other tool bar functions

Tick-box Tick box
Tick (choose) the purchase/sales invoice that you want to export

Filter Filter
Use this icon to filter the information by title.

Print Print
Use this icon to print the information that is showing on the current page

Export Excel Export

Use this icon to export the information displayed on the current page to an Excel spreadsheet, making it easier for you to change data in your exported copy.
Export the Purchases/Sales information to CSV / TXT file in the format you need.
To export;

  1. Load the Sales/Purchases information
  2. Use the tick-box Tick boxto select the invoice that you want to export
  3. Click exportExcel Export. The TourWriter Accounting Export popup window (shown below) will appear.
    TourWriter Accounting Export
  4. Save the file on your PC Server.
    (Note – MYOB users have the option to choose the status of the invoice you can export; Order or Quote)
  5. The file is now ready to be imported into your accounting software

After exporting your Purchases, the Bookings on the Bookings List of the Itinerary will be greyed out, indicating that an export has taken place.

Itineraries - Bookings - List

Users with access to Accounting features may unlock Bookings for editing if required.

Accounting - Bookings - List - Feild Chooser

To do this;

  1. Click on the Field Chooser Field Chooser Icon
  2. Tick Accounting
  3. This will display the Accounting lock field Accounting lock (to the right of the Field Chooser icon) on the Bookings List
  4. Untick the Accounting lock field Accounting lock to edit this Booking

NOTE – Adjustments will need to be made manually in your accounting software to this booking, to ensure your accounting software matches the changes you have made in Tourwriter.

For further information or to receive one-on-one Tourwriter Accounting Integration training, please contact or your Tourwriter Customer Success Executive.

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Itinerary Accounting Export Wed, 16 Sep 2015 20:43:25 +0000 Once Accounting Setup has been completed, and you have Itineraries data to export, you can start exporting your Purchases and/or Sales from TourWriter into your accounting software.

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Once Accounting Setup has been completed, and you have Itineraries data to export, you can start exporting your Purchases and/or Sales from Tourwriter into your accounting software.

Also see Bulk Accounting Export.

Open any Itinerary and select the Additional Tab > Accounting Subtab

Intergrating Accounting - Accounting, Purchases Subtab

The Accounting Subtab area is split into two further Subtabs: Purchases and Sales

Purchases Subtab
Allows you to view then export purchases booking information for the Itinerary. Click Load to generate a list of purchases for the Itinerary.

Sales Subtab
Sales invoices information for the Itinerary

Edit Sales

Intergrating Accounting - Edit Sales

This option only applies to the Sales Subtab. The Edit Sales button opens the Tourwriter Sales allocation popup window. Here you can add and edit Itinerary Sales records allowing you to allocate revenue to each revenue account.

NOTE – You must edit your Sales before pressing the Load button.

Tourwriter Sale Allocation Window

Intergrating Accounting - Sale Allocation Window

You can create a Sale for the deposit amount of $xx.xx; simply click on Yellow Plus and enter the following sales information:

Accounting - Tourwriter Sale allocation popup window

​NOTE – The amounts in the Clients Tab > Client payments and refunds workspace appear on the Client Pricing Report and Client Pricing Detailed Report. The amounts added to Tourwriter Sale allocation popup window (shown above) are export​ed​ into your Accounting software. The reason we keep these areas separate is due to the fact that only some Tourwriter users will utilise the export sales feature (i.e. if they have Xero, for example).

To link the payments on the Clients Tab to the Sales you have edited take the following steps

  1. Go to the Clients Tab > Details Subtab
  2. In the Client payments and refunds workspace click on the down arrow (triangle), in each of the entries in the Sale field, to select the applicable payment from the entries you have made in the Tourwriter Sales allocation workspace (see image below).
Click to enlarge
Click image to enlarge

This is the sales invoice date, ie. the date that you want to recognise the sale in your accounting system (as opposed to the date of payment or date of travel).

Description of sales information.

The invoice amount.

Other Toolbar Functions

Other tool bar functions

Tick-box Tick box
Tick (choose) the purchase / sales invoice that you want to export

Filter Filter
Use this icon to filter the information by title.

Print Print
Use this icon to print the information that is showing on the current page

Export Excel Export

Use this icon to export the information displayed on the current page to a Excel spread sheet, making it easier for you to change data in your exported copy.

Export the Purchases/Sales information to CSV / TXT file in the format you need.
To export;

  1. Load the Sales/Purchases information
  2. Use the tick-box Tick boxto select the invoice that you want to export
  3. Click exportExcel Export. The TourWriter Accounting Export popup window (shown below) will appear Accounting Software - Export Bar
  4. Save the file on your PC Server.
    (Note – MYOB users have the option to choose the status of the invoice you can export; Order or Quote)
  5. The file is now ready to be imported into your accounting software

After exporting your Purchases, the Bookings on the Bookings List of the Itinerary will be greyed out, indicating that an export has taken place.

Itineraries - Bookings - List

Users with access to Accounting features may unlock Bookings for editing if required.

Accounting - Bookings - List - Feild Chooser

To do this;

  1. Click on the Field Chooser Field Chooser Icon
  2. Tick Accounting
  3. This will display the Accounting lock field Accounting lock (to the right of the Field Chooser icon) on the Bookings List
  4. Untick the Accounting lock field Accounting lock to edit this Booking

NOTE – Adjustments will need to be made manually in your accounting software to this booking, to ensure your accounting software matches the changes you have made in Tourwriter.

For further information or to receive one-on-one Tourwriter Accounting Integration training, please contact or your Tourwriter Customer Success Executive.

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Itinerary Messages Subtab Tue, 15 Sep 2015 21:41:23 +0000 Tourwriter stores any messages sent and received.

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Messages Subtab

Tourwriter stores any messages sent and received.

  • When a booking request email is sent via Tourwriter it is recorded in the Messages Tab.
  • Messages relating to an Itinerary, and not sent by email, can also be entered and recorded here by the user by using theYellow Plus. This allows the user to keep a record of all correspondence with Suppliers.
  • To view the details of a specific email, highlight the row and double click. This opens the email and allows the user the option to print the correspondence.
  • This correspondence history can be helpful if there is a need to check or re-print arrangements made prior to the current time. When a message is sent to a supplier it is also recorded in the Messages Tab of the Supplier.

Note: Reports emailed from the system are not stored in the Messages subtab. Only Booking emails sent through Bookings List > Make booking section are recorded here.

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Adding Supplier Reference to Xero Remittance Advices Mon, 14 Sep 2015 02:26:09 +0000 For Xero users who use the Purchases Export function in Tourwriter to export bookings out to Xero, in order to pay suppliers on weekly or monthly basis. Here is a tip that can save you time and make it easier for your suppliers to see which invoices have been paid.

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If your suppliers contact you to ask which invoices have been paid, as the remittance advice doesn’t give them enough information, then here is a tip that can save you time and make it easier for your suppliers to see which invoices have been paid. This tip is for Xero users who use the Purchases Export function in Tourwriter to export bookings out to Xero, in order to pay suppliers on weekly or monthly basis.

Follow the below steps to make Supplier Reference’s appear on the Xero remittance advice:

  1. Go to Tools > Setup > Accounting setup. At the bottom of this view is the Accounting Templates box:
    Accounting Templates
    Here you will see the file path to the Accounting Purchases Template, this is where the template is saved in your TourwriterData folder (normally an Excel file). Follow this path in your documents on My Computer, and open the template.
    Note: To read the full file path, simply hover your pointer over the path name.
  2. In the opened Excel template you should see two rows. The top row shows all of the headings that Xero recognizes. The second row identifies which Tourwriter column headers are included in your export.
    Column K (Invoice Number)  is the column that pushes information into the Reference field on Xero invoices. In my example, the second row currently shows (yours may be customized slightly differently):
    Xero Template
  3. The above are internal references and, while the itinerary name may be helpful for our suppliers, it doesn’t specify the Supplier’s own unique reference. To add the Supplier’s booking reference, you need to add [!BookingReference] to row 2 of Column K, so that it reads:
    Xero Template - Inc Booking Reference
  4. Ensure you save your changes before you exit the template!

Once this change has been made to your template, the Supplier’s Reference simply needs to be entered into the Supplier Ref (or Ref) field in the applicable itinerary. Then this will be included on Xero remittance advice.

Important: This is for Xero users (who already export their bookings to Xero) only.
We recommend you test the export. Choose a few bookings that have been exported to Xero before (so you can easily delete them in Xero). Ensure they all have a reference in the Supplier Ref field. Export them for Tourwriter and Import into Xero as usual, so they appear in your Draft Invoices. You should now be able to see the Supplier’s Reference in the Reference field of the invoice (it will be the last number in that field). Finally, remember to delete the test invoices once you have checked them – as you don’t want to pay them twice!

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