workspace Archives - Tourwriter Knowledge Base Tourwriter Knowledge Base Fri, 14 Jun 2019 02:01:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 workspace Archives - Tourwriter Knowledge Base 32 32 Custom Sort Mon, 23 Oct 2017 20:04:35 +0000 This feature allows you to sort your Booking List workspace into an order of your choosing.

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This feature allows you to sort your Booking List workspace into an order of your choosing, without needing a time for each booking.

If you have existing custom reports sorted by Date/Time order, please note that your .rdlc files will require re-coding before being able to use this feature.

Activate Custom Sort

You can Activate the Custom Sort option for your Bookings List workspace by going to Tools > Custom Sort > Activate.

The Custom Sort field will appear in your workspace. If you cannot see this field, you may find it at the end of the table (scroll to the right). Custom Sort will now be activated for this itinerary only.

Using Custom Sort

There are two options for using Custom Sort:

  1. As you add a booking, overtype the Custom Sort field with a number once it’s in the Bookings List. For example, if you would like to place the booking towards the end of your itinerary, number it 50
  2. Alternatively, add all your bookings first, organise your List by Date order (click the Date column heading to sort in ascending order), then go to Tools > Custom Sort > Renumber Custom Sort Values. This will apply a number (in increments of five) to each booking line, in the Date order they were arranged in before the Custom Sort was applied. The Custom Sort field will now look like this:
    Now you can move, or add bookings to a specific space by adding in a Custom Sort number to fit in where needed. For example, if a tour needs to be added in after Martis Palace Hotel, but before Accademia Gallery Museum, add the booking item to your itinerary, then overtype a number between 10-15 in the Custom Sort field.
    Click Save (CTRL S) and the booking will move into the correct order in the Bookings List.

Tools > Custom Sort > Renumber Custom Sort Values: This option will reapply a number (in increments of five) to each booking line in your Bookings List. It will renumber the Custom Sort Values based on the the current Bookings List sort order.

Reset Custom Sort Values: This option will clear all the Custom Sort numbers if you would like to start again.

The post Custom Sort appeared first on Tourwriter Knowledge Base.

Customising Your Workspace Tue, 22 Sep 2015 09:44:34 +0000 You will find many different Workspaces (eg. Bookings List, Audit Results, Warnings etc) throughout Tourwriter that you might wish to set out in a particular way.

The post Customising Your Workspace appeared first on Tourwriter Knowledge Base.

You will find many different Workspaces (eg. Bookings List, Audit Results, Warnings) throughout Tourwriter that you might wish to set out in a particular way.

Ordering Fields

If you wish to order your Workspace by a particular field, such as City, click on that field header. A triangle appears on the far right of the field header – this indicates the Workspace is now ordered by City, in ascending order. If the field header is clicked again, the triangle becomes inverted which means the field is now displaying in descending order. Note that multiple fields can be ordered simultaneously by holding down the Shift key and clicking on an additional field/fields.

Moving Fields

Field order can be changed by clicking on a field header and dragging it and placing it elsewhere. The field will be dropped in where the double arrows appear and once the mouse button is released.

Adjusting Field Width

Hover the mouse at the end of the field header until double horizontal arrows appear, then double click and the field will resize in order to fit the longest piece of content that features within any cell of the field being adjusted.

The post Customising Your Workspace appeared first on Tourwriter Knowledge Base.
