flights Archives - Tourwriter Knowledge Base Tourwriter Knowledge Base Wed, 01 Aug 2018 05:38:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 flights Archives - Tourwriter Knowledge Base 32 32 Flights Webinar Fri, 04 Nov 2016 03:33:37 +0000 Join Trish for a webinar about adding flight details into your itinerary

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Join Trish for a webinar about how to add and manage flights in Tourwriter.

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Travefy Day Edit Wed, 17 Aug 2016 04:14:59 +0000 At the top of each day of Services you will find the Day Edit options.

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This Post Covers:

  • How to adjust a booking’s date
  • Alternative ways to view your itinerary
  • How to rearrange your bookings
  • How to add a new event
  • How to add flight details
  • How to add an additional day

Day Edit

At the top of each day of Services you will find the Day Edit options.


Click the edit icon Edit Icon to change the date, the Day Title or delete a day.

When the date is changed within the travel dates, that specific day (including activities) will move onto that date and “bump” the other days up or down. When the date is changed to a day outside of the travel dates, it will be shown on that day, with all days in between showing with No Plans.

Changing the Day Title simply changes the way the day is displayed. Days are automatically named by the day of the week, you could change to Day 1, or Queenstown etc.

To Delete a whole day, select Delete Day.

View Itinerary View

The day’s activities are automatically shown in the List view, however there is also a Map view.

The Map view shows a google map with Red Markers indicating where each booking is for that day. Click on these markers to see the activity details (Name, address, date booked) and options to show the booking in a new google maps tab and to view the booking’s details in the Right Panel.



Select Rearrange to change the order of the activities on any given day. Simply click and drag the activities into the preferred order and click Done Rearranging to save.

Please Note: If an activity has a booked time and is moved before/after an activity with an earlier/later booked time (ie. out of chronological order), the time will be removed and you will be notified:Date Removed

New Event

To create a New Event (booking) in your Itinerary in Travefy, click the New Event button on the applicable day. Drop down options will appear for you to choose what kind of activity you would like to create. Then the editing pop-up will appear for you to enter your new bookings details.

Please Note: At this stage we are unable to Push information back into Tourwriter. So you may like to load your additional booking into Tourwriter, then re-push the Itinerary to Travefy.

Adding a Flight
You can add descriptive flight information directly into your itinerary by adding a New Event. Select Flight from the drop down list and a pop-up box will appear asking you for the airline and flight number. Start typing in the Airline and select from the options that appear. Just type in the numbers from the flight number. Select Get Info and your flight will appear, click Add To Itinerary to keep, or Cancel. The flight information will be automatically loaded into your Itinerary, including departure time and place and flight information.

New Day

New Day

At the bottom of your days list in the left panel, you will find the New Day button. When clicked, an extra day will be added at the end of the Itinerary. To change where this new day sits, simply edit the date.

The post Travefy Day Edit appeared first on Tourwriter Knowledge Base.

Itinerary Start/End Information Mon, 14 Sep 2015 23:32:59 +0000 For Itinerary Start Date, Tourwriter automatically defaults to the date of creation or date of copy (i.e. today’s date). The date format is set according to the date and time format setting on your computer. Itinerary start/end times are in the 24 hour clock format e.g. 14:00.

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Middle of Itinerary Tab

Itinerary Start/End Dates

For Itinerary Start Date, Tourwriter automatically defaults to the date of creation or date of copy (i.e. today’s date). The date format is set according to the date and time format setting on your computer (Find out how to change your date format here). Itinerary start/end times are in the 24 hour clock format e.g. 14:00.

From an inbound perspective, if international flights are not booked through the agent, the start date is usually entered as the arrival date in the country the clients are visiting, i.e. when a client’s travel arrangements start with you.

For outbounders, the Start date time and day can be based on when they depart from their home country, especially if international flights are being booked by you.

Itinerary Start/End City

Itinerary Start City

This is the City where a client’s arrangements with you start and end. For inbounders this is likely to be within the country they are visiting. For outbounders this is likely to be locations within their country of origin. The Tourwriter database comes preloaded with numerous cities and it is important to note that the Cities field has been loaded to included names of airports as well as city/town names.

These locations are pulled through onto some of the standard reports (Client Pricing, Client Pricing Detailed etc) under the Additional tab.

To search for a city in the drop-down list, select the City drop-down list. Type the first couple of letters of your city or airport name on your keyboard. E.g. Type Si and the first City in your list that starts with these letters will be highlighted in the list.

Itinerary Start City 2

Itinerary Start/End Flight

We recommend establishing a standard way to enter this information so all staff can quickly understand the client’s travel itinerary.

This information is passive, i.e.not pulled through on any standard Tourwriter reports by default, but can be (just talk to your Implementer or the Tourwriter reports team about customisation).

If you are booking flights on behalf of clients and/or require flight information to be displayed according to date and time order on client documents (e.g. Quotations, Final Itineraries, Pricing Documents,) you will need to create a flight Supplier and add this this to your Bookings List, just as you would an Accommodation or Activity booking.

Watch a Webinar for more help on adding and managing Flight information in Tourwriter.

Itinerary Start/End Note

These fields can be used for additional travel information; e.g. domestic flight information, own transfers, own accommodation etc. (any relevant information regarding the client’s arrival arrangements or their arrangements prior to the ones they have made with you). This information is passive, i.e. not pulled through on any standard Tourwriter documentation, but can be.

Example: If you would like to end your Final Itinerary document with a sentence “Fly to Sydney via Auckland on flight NZ1234”. This can be added to the Itinerary End Note field, and coded to display as the last item on your Final Itinerary document.

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Adding Other Transport Suppliers Fri, 28 Aug 2015 03:54:06 +0000 Recommended rules for loading planes, trains, flights and ferries!

The post Adding Other Transport Suppliers appeared first on Tourwriter Knowledge Base.

Ferry Example
Click image to enlarge

Recommended Rules for Loading Ferries

  1. In the Type field, under Services, select Ferry from the drop-down options
  2. In the Charge field, under Services, select PAX from the drop-down options
  3. As the Charge Type is PAX the Type field in Pricing options for selected services is Adult, Child etc.
  4. Tick Adult as the Default

An exception to the above would be if you were booking an entire Ferry, in which case you would select GROUP as the Charge. Then, as the Charge Type would be GROUP, the Type field, in Pricing options for selected services, is left empty for every Option line loaded and Every Option should have the Default ticked.


Click to enlarge
Click image to enlarge

Recommended Rules for Loading Flights

  1. In the Type field, under Services, select Flight from the drop-down options
  2. The Charge field, under Services, select PAX from the drop-down options
  3. As the Charge Type is PAX the Type field in Pricing options for selected services is Adult, Child etc.
  4. Tick Adult as the Default

An exception to the above would be if you were booking an entire aeroplane, in which case you would select GROUP as the Charge. Then, as the Charge Type would be GROUP, the Type field, in Pricing options for selected services, is left empty for every Option line loaded and Every Option should have the Default ticked.

Watch a Webinar for more help on adding and managing Flight information in Tourwriter.


Train Example
Click image to enlarge

Recommended Rules for Loading Trains

  1. In the Type field, under Services, select Train from the drop-down options
  2. The Charge field, under Services, select PAX from the drop-down options
  3. As the Charge Type is PAX the Type field in Pricing options for selected services is Adult, Child etc.
  4. Tick Adult as the Default

An exception to the above would be if you were booking an entire train, in which case you would select GROUP as the Charge. Then, as the Charge Type would be GROUP, the Type field, in Pricing options for selected services, is left empty for every Option line loaded and Every Option should have the Default ticked.

Additional Note
In the above image you will see that Currency has been enabled. This is because this client’s database is in AUD. Given this, everything that is not in AUD needs to have the currency showing.

When you enable Currency under Services, two associated changes appear in the Pricing options for selected seasons;

  1. In the Net and Gross fields the amounts now have NZ in front of the “$” sign
  2. NZD, New Zealand Dollar appears after Pricing options for selected seasons, so that the user can easily identify that this Service is being sold in a different currency

The post Adding Other Transport Suppliers appeared first on Tourwriter Knowledge Base.
